
創見JetFlash 330 32GB 行動碟

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創見JetFlash 330 32GB 行動碟

如純白陶瓷泛出光潔色澤的JetFlash 330隨身碟,以白色簡約的機身巧妙搭配彩色飾帶,除了清楚標示不同容量,更展現出俐落輕巧的時尚風采。閃爍藍色光芒的LED指示燈,讓你一眼就能掌握資料的傳輸狀態。 除了經典的簡潔外型,JetFlash 330在讀取速度上也有最高每秒15MB的表現,足以應付日常生活中的傳輸需求。

-多款容量:2GB (紅)、4GB (綠)、8GB (紫)、16GB (薰衣草)、32GB (橘)
-隨插即用 USB埠直接供電,無需外接電源
-提供免費下載專屬JetFlash? Elite檔案管理軟體


* 1GB=1,000,000,000 Bytes. In OS system, it would be displayed as 1,000,000,000 Bytes/1024/1024/1024 = 0.93GB. A certain portion (1~3%) of the storage capacity might be reserved for firmware and maintenance use.
* All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners.Specifications subject to change without notice.Please see Transcend website for warranty details and limitations.


具備一個可正常使用之USB 連接埠的桌上型或筆記型電腦,並必需具備下列其中之一的作業系統:
- Microsoft Windows 2000
- Microsoft Windows ME
- Microsoft Windows XP
- Microsoft Windows Vista
- Microsoft Windows 7
- MAC OS 9.0 or later
- Linux Kernel 2.4.2 or later



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